service design
Cumulus Roma 2021
“Cumulus Roma 2021 ‘Design Culture(S)’ covered four days full of parallel sessions, working groups, poster…
How we teach future proof Space and Service Designers
Our Postgraduate Space and Service Design teachers and researchers shared their insights on educating future proof…
The Space & Service Design Yearbook of 2020-2021
Welcome, great to have you here! As the school year is coming to an end, we are looking back with great pride and a…
Woonzorg en Welzijn | Design for health & wellbeing
Welke nieuwe diensten en ervaringen in en rond de woonzorgomgeving kunnen bijdragen aan het welzijn van bewoners? Met…
The importance of testing & prototyping | Tom Verbist, Achilles Design
What is the importance of a good prototype? Isn’t it enough to make a visualisation of your design idea on the…
Circular Design & Sustainable development goals at Switchrs
For the very first of Design Seminars in 2020 on unchartered grounds, our design agency had the pleasure of visiting…
Designing the future of De Winkelhaak in Antwerp | Design for cities
What could the De Winkelhaak be in 2030? This was the challenging question our Space and Service Design students got…
Maakleerplek Leuven, designed by Space and service designers
Space & Service Designers and Interior & Service Designers of Thomas More University of applied Sciences…
Ecodesign challenge accepted!
OVAM daagt meer dan 300 studenten uit om een betere wereld te ontwerpen Zes dagen lang steken meer dan 300…
Vegetables are good for you Design for sustainable tourism, food production and consumption and cultural heritage
Vegetables are good for you! And for you and you and you. How space and service designers improve the experience of…