service design

Van Space en Service Design naar ontwerponderzoek.

Amber De Coen (2022)  Van Space en Service Design naar…

The Space & Service Design Yearbook of 2020-2021

Welcome, great to have you here! As the school year is coming to an end, we are looking back with great pride and a…

Woonzorg en Welzijn | Design for health & wellbeing

Welke nieuwe diensten en ervaringen in en rond de woonzorgomgeving kunnen bijdragen aan het welzijn van bewoners? Met…

Space & Service design projects for Circular Economy

Welcome back ! Did you know Mechelen annually produces 4 tonnes of coffee grit, which is currently disposed of as…

Designing the future of De Winkelhaak in Antwerp | Design for cities

What could the De Winkelhaak be in 2030? This was the challenging question our Space and Service Design students got…

Space & Service design projects for Join For Water

Hi there! To kick off this new year of exciting challenges, our design agency had the honour of working with the one…

Vegetables are good for you Design for sustainable tourism, food production and consumption and cultural heritage

Vegetables are good for you! And for you and you and you. How space and service designers improve the experience of…

What we are working with: personas

As space and service designers, we use different tools to communicate with our design team, and with stakeholders…

Onze onderzoekers in de media: universeel design

Thomas More-hogeschool ambieert praktijkgericht wetenschappelijk onderzoek met een reële impact op de beroepspraktijk…


RecupShop Elk jaar maken onze studenten honderden maquettes. Maar wat gebeurt er met al dat materiaal als de jury’s…