Participative design for social innovation

Learn more about the program? Click here.

The Postgraduate in Space and Service Design at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences is the result of social innovation; the focus of the designer on the design of the physical space only evolves to the design of a system of spaces, objects, services, circulation and communication which are jointly able to fulfil the specific needs of the user. Service Design is a system, holistic, user-centered, co-creation, sequencing, evidencing and testing!

Blast off into the future of design!

Are you ready to create services, environments, products, and communication systems with a positive impact on society? Join the Postgraduate Space and Service Design program and become a proactive agent of change, solving today’s social, cultural, and economic challenges with inclusive and future-proof services. Make a tangible difference in your community and join the mission to shape a better tomorrow.

"You end up learning more than just the curriculum, your soft skills grow so fast, and as design is mostly communication, I believe I am a far better designer now after this course"

Naomi May - S&SD 2023-2024

S&SD being international…

  • Enabled me to study at Thomas More.
  • Enabled me to work at Thomas More.
  • Fostered increased awareness of my own culture and habits.
  • Developed strong management and team leadership abilities due to the diverse group dynamics.
  • Influenced my career path towards teaching and research.

29 different nationalities since 2020

Belgium, the Nederlands, UK, Scotland, Ireland, Finland, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, North-Macedonia, Türkiye, Armenia, Lebanon, Iran, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, China, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico

How do we approach our course?

Holistic Design: We design everything from physical spaces, products, and furniture to (digital) communication tools, services, and the experiences they enable.
User-Centered: You conduct thorough research into the needs and aspirations of the end user and organize co-creation workshops with them.
Innovative: You create new and relevant solutions to tackle complex problems.
Sustainable: You contribute to a sustainable future through life-centered design. The UN Sustainable Development Goals serve as a guiding thread throughout the program.

In this program, you are challenged to collaborate with various stakeholders, including clients, users, and fellow designers. We encourage critical thinking about the societal impact of design.
Classes are conducted in English.

Space and Service Design graduation expo 2023-2024

Would you like to meet our graduates of 2019-2020?

visti the Space and Service design graduation expo

More information about the international Postgraduate Space and Service Design program at Thomas More?

Visit the program page
Dienstverlening voor bedrijven, publieke sectoren, non-profitorganisaties en NGO's

Wil je samen met ons een space and service design project uitwerken?

Laat het ons weten!

Your first questions about the course answered.

For more information, please contact the course coordinator. –

Enrolment for the Postgraduate in Space and Service Design opens at the end of January. The process varies for non-European students, European students, and Flemish/Dutch students.

For Flemish and Dutch students:

  • Upload the required documents via the website of Thomas More
  • The Space & Service Design programme’s board will assess your portfolio, motivation letter, and CV.
  • If approved, you will be invited for an intake interview.
  • If accepted, you will receive a confirmation letter from the programme manager, which is required for administrative enrolment.


Non-European and European students:

  • Upload the required documents via the website of Thomas More
  • The International Admissions Office will review your uploaded administrative file.
  • If approved, your application will be forwarded to the Space & Service Design programme’s Board.
  • The board will assess your portfolio, motivation letter, and CV.
  • If your application is successful, you will be invited for an intake interview.
  • If accepted, International Admissions will inform you about the next steps:
    • Non-European students: must pay the tuition fee and deposit funds into a blocked account to cover your living expenses in Belgium (as required by the government). After receiving proof of payment, you can apply for a visa.
    • European students can complete the administrative enrolment.

Lifelong learning in Space and Service Design equips you with advanced skills in service design, user-centered design, and the creation of public and (digital) environments. It enhances your ability to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, expands your professional network, and future-proofs your expertise by integrating new skills with your existing knowledge.

Besides students with a background in design or architecture we also welcome candidates with a different educational/professional background. If you have a strong interest or are already experienced in design thinking, design management, service design, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, circular design, user-centered design, universal design, … do not hesitate to sent in your application. For example: students with a Ba/Ma in Social Sciences, Business, Computer Sciences, Cultural Studies, …