Ecodesign challenge accepted!

OVAM daagt meer dan 300 studenten uit om een betere wereld te ontwerpen Zes dagen lang steken meer dan 300…

Vegetables are good for you Design for sustainable tourism, food production and consumption and cultural heritage

Vegetables are good for you! And for you and you and you. How space and service designers improve the experience of…

Design agency of 2020-2021 | Postgraduate Space and Service Design

Hi, glad you’re here! The way the school year of 2020 turned out to be was something no-one could predict, but…

Designing for sustainable food production and consumption

Climate change and the increasing world population obliges us to look for a more sustainable and diverse food…

Postgraduates Space and Service design tackle a school!

SCHOOL’S OUT! For their final project the postgraduates Space & Service Design of Thomas More tackled a big…

Nog de hele zomer: Space and service designs voor 't Grom

De hele zomer lang loopt er in het Mechelse Groentemuseum een expo met innovatieve en interactieve…

What we are working with: personas

As space and service designers, we use different tools to communicate with our design team, and with stakeholders…

Onze onderzoekers in de media: universeel design

Thomas More-hogeschool ambieert praktijkgericht wetenschappelijk onderzoek met een reële impact op de beroepspraktijk…

What we are working on: 't Grom

Design for sustainable tourism, food production and consumption and cultural heritage How space and service designers…

What we are working on: Design for neighbourhoods

Space & Service Designers and Interior & Service Designers of Thomas More University of applied Sciences…